Showing 1 to 5 of 5 items
Energrid R24HS Reversible USB Charging Cable

Energrid R24HS Reversible USB Charging Cable

R24HS is a USB charging cable bringing the visually impaired a totally free charging experience. Simply connect any charging device or gadget with R24HS without worrying about the plug's orientation or the cable's direction. R24HS can connect to...


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Energrid VC161X Universal Travel USB Charger

Energrid VC161X Universal Travel USB Charger

VC161X is an universal travel USB charger specially designed for the visually impaired.  VC161X can be used to charge an array of digital devices including iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android smartphones...


Energrid VS810PD 10,000mAh Power Bank

Energrid VS810PD 10,000mAh Power Bank

Energrid VS810PD is a power bank specially designed for the visually impaired. The VS Series Power Banks can charge an array of digital devices including iPhone, iPad, Android smartphones and tablets. ...


Energrid VS820PD 20,000mAh Power Bank

Energrid VS820PD 20,000mAh Power Bank

Energrid VS810PD is a power bank specially designed for the visually impaired. The VS Series Power Banks can charge an array of digital devices including iPhone, iPad, Android smartphones and tablets. ...




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